General Education Courses

The Breakthrough Curriculum

Edwina Sandys’ sculpture, Breakthrough, stands prominently at the center of Westminster’s campus. The piece consists of two figures, one male and one female, cut out of the largest segment of the Berlin Wall in North America. As a piece of art, Breakthrough, celebrates the liberation of Eastern Europe in 1989, reminding the viewer of the dramatic end of the Cold War, which has been so eloquently introduced by Sandys’ grandfather, Winston Churchill, in 1946. “Breakthrough” symbolizes societal and cultural liberation, but focusing on the anonymous figures, also suggests the eminence of individual transformation.

Edwina Sandy, Breakthrough Sculpture

Ï㽶ÊÓƵ’s general education, Breakthrough, curriculum aspires to provide an education that is equally transformative for each student and that will also prepare our students to take up the cause of individual freedom. Breakthrough maintains the breadth of study that is at the heart of liberal arts education but contextualizes it in an innovative way. Instead of viewing core courses as simply fulfilling academic categories such as Humanities, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences, students will internalize the role of the core courses in addressing the key issues that they will face for the rest of their professional lives.

Foundational Courses

Course Code Title Credits General Education
ENG 103 Academic Writing 3 Foundational
WSM 104 Transformations 3 Foundational
MAT 110 Quantitative Reasoning and Problem Solving 3 Foundational
MAT 114 Elementary Statistics 3 Foundational


Course Code Title Credits Theme
CLA 215 Mythology 3 Aesthetics
PSY 112 Psychology as a Natural Science 3 Human Development
PSY 113 Psychology as a Social Science 3 Human Development
PHL 212 Introduction to Ethics 3 Values and Diversity
HUM 277 Spanish Civilization 3 Global Perspective
REL 102 World Religions 3 Global Perspective
BIO 108 Introduction to Biological Principles 3 Natural Science Inquiry
BUS 220 Fundamentals of Management 3 Institutions and Society
LST 201 Introduction to Leadership Theories and Practice 3 Institutions and Society


Course Code Title Credits Exploration
REL 346 Religion and Violence 3 Transnational Issues
GTS 300/PSY 405 International and Cross-Cultural Psychology 3 Transnational Issues
LST 340 Great Leaders 3 Human Experience
PHL 302 Meaning of Life 3 Human Experience

Lifetime Leadership Skills

Course Code Title Credits Skill
BUS 327 Operations Management 3 Writing Intensive
BUS 334 Consumer Behavior 3 Writing Intensive
BUS 450 Business Strategy 3 Writing Intensive
ECN 355 Research for Business and Social Science Applications 3 Writing Intensive
LST 420 Leadership Capstone 3 Writing Intensive
PHL 302 Meaning of Life 3 Writing Intensive
PSY 422 Seminar 3 Writing Intensive
PSY 431 Senior Thesis 3 Writing Intensive
PSY 274 Methods in Experimental Psychology 3 Writing Intensive
SPE 101 Introduction to Public Speaking 3 Oral Communication and Presentation
PSY 320 Memory and Cognition Lab 1 Oral Communication and Presentation
PSY 310 Social Psychology Lab 1 Oral Communication and Presentation
BUS 210 Spreadsheet Applications for Business 3 Information and Digital Literacy
PSY 270 Research Tools 3 Information and Digital Literacy
BUS 353 Non-Profit Management 3 Research: Inquiry and Analysis
PSY 274 Methods in Experimental Psychology 3 Research: Inquiry and Analysis

The course of study for each program is set with no elective choices.