Registration and Grades

Non-degree seeking students only need to submit the online application. No SAT or ACT scores, transcripts, or recommendation letters are necessary.
Ï㽶ÊÓƵ will provide one free official transcript for all external students at the end of the online term. The free transcript must be requested within two weeks of the end of the term, and students must submit a transcript request form, available on the Westminster website.
Students should consult their home institution prior to enrolling in online classes to determine if the course will transfer. Most institutions will accept credit from Westminster, as Westminster is regionally accredited. However, the specific course equivalency credit is determined by a student's home institution.

Classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis and classes which do not have a sufficient number of students enrolled may be canceled (by 4/27 for 3-week session and by 5/18 for 6-week session). Students will be notified of canceled classes and will be given the opportunity to register for another class.

Westminster normally requires at least six students enrolled in online classes in order for the class to be offered. However, many faculty agree to offer classes with fewer than six students. If your online class has fewer than six students enrolled, you will be notified via e-mail if the class will be taught.
The normal limit for online classes is 24.
Online grades are due from faculty on Tuesday after the term ends. Grades will be available on MyWC for students on Wednesday or Thursday after the end of the term.
Log into MyWC, Click Academics, go to Grade Report and change term to the online term you are enrolled in.

Ï㽶ÊÓƵ provides the option for external students to enroll in online classes on a CR/D/F basis.

Students should consult with their home institution to make certain that the course grade of CR (C- or better) will transfer before electing to take a course CR/D/F.

3-Week Term - Students who do not drop their 3-week online course before 4:00 p.m. on the second day of classes will receive transcript notation. Students who withdraw from their 3-week online class before 4:00 p.m. on the 11th day of classes will receive the non-punitive grade of WP or WF on their transcript (WP and WF grades do not count in the GPA).
6-Week Term - Students who do not drop their 6-week online course before 4:00 p.m. on the third day of classes will receive transcript notation. Students who withdraw from their 6-week online class before 4:00 p.m. on the 21st day of classes will receive the non-punitive grade of WP or WF on their transcript (WP and WF grades do not count in the GPA).

Students who do not withdraw from their online class before the end of the withdrawal period will receive a letter grade for the course at the end of the term. (Additional drop/withdrawal and refund information with specific dates will be distributed to all students via e-mail before classes begin.)

Class Structure

Each instructor at Westminster has a standardized but individualized syllabus and their own time deadlines within the three-week or six-week term. All work must be completed by the end of the term, but whether students are given all the work to do at their own leisure, or if the deadlines are spread out over the three weeks or six weeks is determined by the instructor. Due dates are cleaerly delineated in the course calendar within the individual syllabus of each class.
The Canvas online platform will be ready for students to begin logging into the class on the first day of the term; however, many instructors also open up their classes earlier, and they will let students know if Canvas will be ready before the class begins. Students may login to their online platform as well as complete work for the class 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the entire term.
Individual instructors determine whether classes will be opened in advance of the first date of classes. Students will be notified by their instructor if this is the case.
In lieu of an online tutorial, we provide students with information relative to technology when they initially enroll in an online course, and also with information from the Registrar's office as well as Information Technology. Current and External students also will find a Welcome Letter from the Director of Online Teaching when they enroll, and the individual instructor will email students shortly after they are registered for their class.
Unless the instructor indicates differently, students simply need access to the Internet through a reliable computer and the capability to login to the Canvas platform. Students should also be prepared to check email on a daily basis, for notices from the instructor, the Registrar, or other individuals who may need to contact students regarding their online course.
All classes will be held online for both the three-week and six-week terms.
Students should contact the IT Department at help@WCMO.edu with online class issues. Under the “re” refer to “summer online” and a return message should be sent extremely quickly. We pride ourselves on making sure our turn-around time is very brief and have technology staff, the Director of Online Teaching, and the Registrar who are extremely conscientious in returning emails and providing solutions.
All students who attend Ï㽶ÊÓƵ, in any capacity, are expected to adhere to the College policies regarding honesty; integrity and fairness (see Westminster Home Page). Each instructor will distribute an Honesty & Netiquette Statement as well.


No, Westminster does not offer institutional financial aid for online courses for non-degree seeking students.
The tuition for the Summer Online courses is $250.00 per credit hour.
Students will need to pay online when registering for the course.
No, Westminster cannot process financial aid for a student from another college who enrolls at WC to take an online class because they are not degree-seeking students at WC.
Yes students may pay with a debit or credit card when enrolling online.
Students who plan to be certified for Veteran benefits for their winter class should contact the Registrar’s Office at 573-592-5213 before classes begin.
No, students who drop or withdraw on the first day of class will be refunded all tuition except $250 per class. No tuition will be refunded after this date. In order to receive a full refund, students must contact the Registrar's Office to drop the online class prior to 4:00 p.m. on the Friday before the class begins. (Additional drop/withdraw information and refund information with specific dates will be distributed to all students before classes begin.)
No, there are no additional fees required for winter term classes.


This is at the discretion of the instructor; it is highly advised that students purchase all required books very much ahead of the start date of your class. When allowed by the instructor, e-copies instead of hard copies of texts may be purchased.

All required books and supplies for online courses are available for purchase or rent at the Westminster Bookstore at . The Westminster Bookstore also has copies of all the winter or summer Online books in the store now available to purchase or rent. Is there a program at Westminster that I can resell my book after the class? The Westminster Bookstore can check Buyback prices every day that we are open although the best times of year to sell are at the end of each term. We buy back books not just for our courses but for almost 2,000 other campuses across North America.


Yes, all Westminster students have access to the library. If students will be on campus they may bring a driver’s license, or other form of identification, to the front circulation desk of the library to receive a temporary library card. Non-degree seeking students enrolled in online courses should park in visitors parking or request a temporary parking permit from Human Resources when visiting the library.
No, since non-degree seeking students do not pay student fees, they are not eligible to access Westminster facilities, other than the library. Admittance to all other Westminster facilities require a student identification card.

Reeves Library provides 24/7 online access to our catalog and journal databases. Students should go to the main library web page LIBRARY and use their campus computer account to log-in for access.

  • We provide access to over 32,000 .
  • The contains links to our e-book collection of over 118,000 academic books.
  • Interlibrary Loan is also an option with books being mailed to students and journal articles scanned and sent to the student’s Westminster email account.

Individual reference assistance is also provided over the phone (573) 592-5247, through email to Reeves.Library@WCMO.edu

Ï㽶ÊÓƵ is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Additional information may be obtained here.

Tanys Nelson, Director of Online Teaching, at 563-592-5197 or Tanys.Nelson@WCMO.edu. Tanys Nelson will be available via e-mail on nights and weekends.

Veronica Ballard, Registrar at 573-592-5213 or Veronica.Ballard@WCMO.edu
The Registrar’s Office is open M-F from 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mrs. Ballard will be available via e-mail on nights and weekends.