Academic Resources


Registrar's Office

The Registrar's Office maintains the permanent academic records of all students.

Westminster Bookstore

For textbooks, t-shirts, and everything in between, check out our .

Reeves Library

To access library resources check out the library .

Academic Advising

Academic advisors assist students in course scheduling and planning and in determining co-curricular experiences that match the student's interests and career goals. Of course, the final responsibility for course scheduling, program planning, and the successful completion of all graduation requirements rests with the student.

Tomnitz Family Learning Opportunities Center (LOC)

The Tomnitz Family Learning Opportunities Center (LOC) offers academic support to students through a variety of programs, including the Learning DifferencesProgram, the Academic Enrichment Program, the Peer Tutoring Program, and the College Transition Program. The LOC's professional academic staff also offer supplemental courses designed to encourage and support academic success in the Humanities, Natural and Mathematical Sciences, and Social Sciences.

Writing Program

The Writing Across the Curriculum Program encourages the teaching of writing in courses in a variety of disciplines. In courses designated Writing Intensive, students use writing as a means of learning course material, and study and practice writing that uses the conventions and expectations of a specific discipline. Instructors ask students to produce some type of reflection activity, such as a draft of a paper, and hold individual conferences with the student to discuss it.