Writing Program

The Writing Across the Curriculum Program encourages the teaching of writing in courses in a variety of disciplines. In courses designated Writing Intensive, students use writing as a means of learning course material, and study and practice writing that uses the conventions and expectations of a specific discipline. Instructors ask students to produce some type of reflection activity, such as a draft of a paper, and hold individual conferences with the student to discuss it.

The Director of Writing Across the Curriculum processes student paperwork, and provides support for faculty teaching in the program, both formally, through workshops and presentations, and informally, through individual consultations. Westminster students must earn credit in two Writing Intensive courses. The first course must be taken by the end of the sophomore year. At least one of the courses must be an upper-level course.

Writing Lab

What is the Writing Lab?

The Writing Lab offers free assistance with writing projects for all courses. Writing Lab tutors can assist you in all stages of the writing process, from talking with you about your ideas, to helping you organize them, to suggesting revisions of the way you present your thoughts. The tutors, chosen for their strong writing abilities, have been trained to read and respond to your writing. Because the tutors are your peers, they understand the struggles of writing. Although they cannot give you all the answers to your writing problems, or spot all of your errors, they can make thoughtful suggestions.

Is the Lab just for English classes?

No. Tutors are chosen from multiple academic areas, and since their training focuses on writing in all disciplines, tutors can help you with papers for any class.

What should I bring to the Lab?

You should bring your writing assignment and any books you used in writing the assignment. If you have a draft of the paper, bring that as well.

Do I need an appointment?

You may schedule an appointment (call 592-5384 during regular Lab hours), but the Lab also works on a walk-in basis during all open hours.

Lower Level, Reeves Library

Open Sunday-Thursday 6-10pm

Other questions or concerns?

Contact: Dr.Theresa Adams,Coordinator