
Welcome to the neighborhood!


EcoHouse is a living and learning community that creates the opportunity for students to find the voice, peer support, education, and facilities to pursue environmental initiatives on campus and out in the real world. EcoHouse members:

  • Participate in group challenges to make a positive impact on their environment
  • Get peer support for challenges (e.g. taking litter clean-up strolls)
  • Live in a house with sustainability goals in mind
  • Lead and help with campus initiatives such as the greenhouse, garden, composting, recycling, and those of your own design!

After living in the house, you will come away with a broader awareness of environmental issues; know how to problem-solve and manage projects; work as a team with a common mission; and have an established network of fellow students, EcoHouse advisors, and EcoHouse alumni with a shared desire for protecting our environment.

How to Apply

Students can apply to EcoHouse after their freshman year by completing an application available at the annual open house and/or by request to the EcoHouse president. After review of applications, applicants will be invited to interview with the current EcoHouse students. Acceptance of new members also requires approval from Student Life. New members will be notified before housing decisions for the subsequent academic year. 

Locations and Contact

EcoHouse’s residential location is at Hickory A in Westminster Grove.

Residential Life

Brief History

Formed by four forward-thinking students in 2007, EcoHouse has held led the Westminster community in demonstrating sustainable lifestyles and spearheading efficiency projects across campus. These efforts are made possible through the passionate work and the vital support of professors, students, and staff.

Originally formed as a group which would retrofit campus building to improve their efficiency and livability, EcoHouse has grown into a living-learning community focused on environmental awareness and student initiatives for sustainable practices.

With the creation of SOS (Student Office of Sustainability) in 2017 and the installation of the Westminster Greenhouse in 2019, EcoHouse has established a lasting impact across campus. The EcoHouse home has shifted throughout the years, but the leadership and message has remained the same and enables students to leave their mark and promote the importance of environmental and sustainability initiatives.

Green Jays

Some Recent projects and initiatives

  • Greek Aluminum Recycling Competition (Fall 2019)
  • Diversity Dialogue- “People + Planet: A Discussion on Climate Change” (Fall 2019)
  • Campus composting (e.g. Dining hall) advocation (ongoing)
  • Stinson Creek Trail Trash Pick-Up (Fall 2020 - Current)
  • Earth Day Documentary Screening (Spring 2021)
  • Greenhouse Acquisition, Maintenance, and Operation (Fall 2020-current)


“Where long-lasting, impactful connections are formed--pulling together those with unique perspectives and vibrant passion for the environment to lend towards communal action.â€

Sean Pelato

“A group of like minded individuals committed to making the world a healthier, happier place.â€

Jocelyn Killday