All speakers will be delivering lectures virtually from their homes and offices around the country.

Hancock Symposium Schedule of Events

Symposium 2020

Starred (*) sessions will be broadcast live on social media.
Some non-livestreamed events will be available on  at a later date.


Wednesday, September 16th

9:00 AM – Introduction
9:15-10:15 AM – Plenary Session #1:

*James L. Green, NASA Chief Scientist
“The Search for Life Beyond Earth in Space and Time”

10:30-11:30 AM – Executive #1 (concurrent sessions)

*Bill Whitmar, Laboratory Director, Missouri Public Health Laboratory
"COVID-19 Pandemic Response: The Story from Those Who Live It Daily"

Gunnar Shaffer, Founder of Agrowponics, Engineer at Southwest Energy Power Pool
“Grid of the Future, Finding a Way Forward!”

11:45 AM-1:00 PM – Break

1:15-2:15 PM – Plenary Session #2:

*Susannah Cahalan, best-selling author, mental health advocate
“How Illness Led to Insight: From Brain on Fire to The Great Pretender”

2:30-3:30 PM – Executive #2 (concurrent sessions)

Laurie R. Blank, professor at Emory University, distinguished expert in security and international law
"The Future of Perpetual Wars: Do Warring Parties Have an Obligation to End the Conflict?"

*Dr. Amy Brady, Editor-in-Chief, Chicago Review of Books, expert on climate fiction,
with Omar El Akkad, Egyptian-Canadian novelist
“Imagining Climate Change Through Fiction”

3:45-4:45 PM – Breakout Sessions (concurrent)

Jeanne Narum, Principal, Learning Spaces Collaboratory, pioneer in STEM education
“Spaces for Learning as Preparing for What’s Next”

Betsy Sharp Lynch, ’02 ΚΑΘ, Attorney and Philanthropist
“Non-linear Paths for the Nonconformist”

Tshering Yangzom ‘10, ΚΚΓ, Director and Program Manager, Bhutan Foundation
"Bhutan: Gross National Happiness & Development with Values"

Dr. Mary Nestor, ’14 ΚΑΘ, Pediatric Occupational Therapist, Playabilities Clinic
“Finding Your Vision in Your Values: An Occupational Therapist’s Perspective”

Jacob Marsh, ‘08 ΔΤΔ, author, business owner, sustainability seeker
“The New American Dream – Vanlife, Social Entrepreneurship and the Rehabilitation from Expectation”

Noelia Young Cerna, ’09, poet and performance artist
"The Power of Owning Our Story"

Alexis Lowery, Founder, Mary’s House of Hope women’s shelter
“Building Hope, Building Homes”

5:00-6:00 PM – Break

*6:15-7:15 PM – Vision & Values Virtual Panel

“Our Buildings Shape Us: A 2020 Vision for Two Fulton Monuments”
Co-hosted with America’s National Churchill Museum


The panel will look at two buildings here in Fulton—St. Mary the Virgin, Aldermanbury and the George Washington Carver School. The buildings are both on the National Register of Historic Places. While they are located only blocks apart on Westminster Avenue, the buildings are seemingly worlds apart. But are they? This panel will look at the cultural, economic, and physical challenges (and opportunities) facing these historic monuments.


Carmen Brandt, President, George Washington Carver Cultural Center Board of Directors

Victor B. Pasley, Retired Executive, Xerox Corporation

Dr. Gary Kremer, Executive Director, The State Historical Society of Missouri

Timothy Riley, Sandra L. and Monroe E. Trout Director and Chief Curator, America’s National Churchill Museum