
Breakthrough 2019

Wednesday, Sept. 18 and Thursday, Sept. 19, 2019

The 2019 Hancock Symposium explored the theme of BREAKTHROUGH in all dimensions of human experience. At its broadest, Breakthrough conjures a moment of remarkable discovery, epic accomplishment, or long-fought victory. Breakthrough transcends boundaries between disciplines, realms of activity, and fields of endeavor. Through the theme of Breakthrough, our campus community celebrated the heritage, mission, and the enduring power of Ï㽶ÊÓƵ. Westminster honored two watershed events of deep significance to the College's historical identity and international reputation. We celebrated and commemorated the 50th anniversary of the relocation and rebuilding of Sir Christopher Wren's 1677 Church of St. Mary Aldermanbury on Westminster's campus, which has housed the National Churchill Museum since May 1969. We also witnessed the 30th year since the Peaceful Revolution in Central Europe that toppled the Berlin Wall in 1989, helping bring an end to an area of nuclear stand-off and geopolitical division. Comprising the longest contiguous section of the original Wall in North America, the Breakthrough sculpture by internationally acclaimed artist Edwina Sandys symbolizes the global celebration of freedom, even as it invites visitors to Westminster's campus to ponder their own personal breakthroughs to come. 

The 14th Hancock Symposium honored the phenomenon of "breakthrough" across the spectrum of experience, while also celebrating its specific meaning to our campus. In doing so, the Westminster community issued a clarion call and message of goodwill: Let us break down the walls that divide us and join together, in a spirit of hope, to confront the challenges that lie ahead. 


Hosted by the Churchill Institute for Global Engagement.

Schedule of Events

Wednesday, September 18

9:00 AM: Opening of 2019 HSWC and Plenary Session #1 (Champ Auditorium)

Opening: Dr. Carolyn Perry, Chair of 2019 Hancock Symposium Committee

Plenary Session #1: Gretchen Kinder '94 KAΘ, Reality Television Executive - "From Westminster to Reality"

10:30-11:30 AM: Executive Session #1 

11:45 AM: Lunch (Lunch Available at Backer Dining Hall) 

1:15-2:15 PM: Executive Session #2 

2:30-3:30 PM: Breakout Session #1 (Coulter Science Center)

3:45-4:45 PM: Executive Session #3

7:00 PM: Theater Workshop (Advanced Reservations Required)
The Actors' Gang Prison Project 
(Champ Auditorium)

Science: It Takes a Village
A Conversation with Dr. George Smith and Dr. Ellen Jorgensen 
(CSC Lecture Hall)

Thursday, September 19

9:00 - 10:00 AM: Plenary Session #2 (Champ Auditorium)

10:15-11:15 AM: Executive Session #4

1:30 PM: 59th Annual John Findley Green Foundation Lecture (Champ Auditorium)