Special Housing Accommodation

Ï㽶ÊÓƵ and the Office of Residential Life recognize that certain situations and/or conditions affecting our students may require special housing accommodations while they are living on-campus. Students are encouraged to submit a personal request for special housing accommodations prior to housing assignments being issued (for new students), or room selection occurring (for continuing students).

The Residential Life staff will work closely with our campus Wellness Center to insure the College is making a reasonable effort to meet a student's request for accommodation. Please note that request approval may be based upon space and availability of appropriate accommodations, the nature of the request and whether the application meets our advertised deadlines (below).

Please be aware of the following deadlines when submitting your application and/or documentation:

New Students
: To have one's request considered for the start of a fall semester, the deadline to submit this application is June 1 of the same calendar year. If a student will first attend Westminster and live on campus for the spring term, please submit your application by December 1, immediately prior to the semester you plan to enroll.

Continuing Students:To have one's request considered, the deadline to submit this application is March 1st, immediately prior to the start of the campus room selection process.

**Students should submit updated medical documentation once each calendar year, or as necessary if their condition, diagnosis or treatment plan changes.

To make a request for special housing accommodations, the student should submit a letter outlining the following:

  • The diagnosed condition they are experiencing and how it may affect their living environment, including but not limited to:
    • Impact on student
    • Potential impact on other students
    • Potential impact a living environment could have on the diagnosed condition
  • The treatment plan they follow to manage this condition

All applications MUST be accompanied by a letter from a healthcare provider or licensed counselor confirming the student's accommodation needs. Documentation from the Ï㽶ÊÓƵ Wellness Center is highly recommended. The healthcare provider/licensed counselor should submit a letter on the student's behalf, outlining the following:

To request a special housing accommodation, please complete the form at the link below and submit, along with all requested documentation, to the Office or Residential Life in the Hunter Activity Center:

Special Housing Accommodation Request Form

Off Campus/Commuter Request 

Emotional Support Animal Policy

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Residential Life at (573) 592-5242.