Residential Life FAQS

All mail is received at the College Post Office. The mailing address for packages and letters is:

Student's Name
Campus Mailbox #
501 Westminster Ave.
Fulton, Mo. 65251

New students will receive their mailbox numbers in their housing assignment letters. 

Questions regarding shipping may be directed to the College Post Office at (573) 592-5221.

Currently there are storage lockers located in Marquess Hall and in the Cedar building of the Westminster Grove Townhouses. Lockers are available for $25 and are assigned on a first come, first serve basis. Students are not permitted to store large furniture within these lockers, and they must use a lock supplied by the Office of Residential and Greek Life. Locker space may only be utilized from May 1st to September 1st. 

Any items located in these areas that are NOT stored within an assigned locker will be subject to removal and disposal at the discretion of RGL.

To reserve a locker, please contact the office of Residential & Greek Life at (573) 592-5242.

Local Storage Facilities

Students may have guests stay within their rooms only if they have permission from their roommate and have registered with the Resident Advisor of the building.

Students may not have guests more than 3 days out of the week and more than 15 days out of the entire month. This rule applies to both non-student guests and Westminster students.

Unfortunately, Westminster does not have guest housing to offer. 
Meal Plan Request forms can be located on MyWC.  The form can be found under the Student tab within the E-forms.  Students have until the census date of each semester to make the changes to the meal plan, which is the seventh day of classes.  All students residing in their residence hall are required to be on a meal, plan.  First year students are required to remain on the 19 meal plan for the entire academic year.  For questions, please call the Office of Residential & Greek Life at (573) 592-5242.
  1. Speak directly to the person with whom you are having conflict. Identify the area causing conflict for you and identify the options that will help the conflict be resolved.
  2. Seek input from the person with whom you are in conflict to understand the conflict from his/her perspective and to hear his/her ideas about how to resolve the conflict.
  3. Discuss solutions until all persons agree on understandable and attainable solutions that, to the best degree possible, will help all persons in conflict be resolved.

If the suggestions above have not worked, or you feel intimidated by the person(s) with whom you are in conflict, then seek out your Resident Advisor, who will then work with you directly to assess and address the situation. He/She will also communicate with the Office and Residential and Greek Life during this time. 

Room changes based on roommate conflicts are rare. All options must be exhausted before this consideration is made. 

Living in community works best when you are willing to initiate relationships with those around you. No matter your interests, there are a variety of ways to get involved with your hall and the community of Ï㽶ÊÓƵ.

At the beginning of each semester, Student Life hosts a Club Fair. Numerous organizations will host their own table, providing information to interested students. More information will be available within 2 weeks of when class starts.

Your Resident Advisor will serve as a great resource to connect you to organizations on campus. 
We recommend you bring four sheets (extra long twin size), one pillow, two blankets, two pillow cases, wash cloths, hand towels and bath towels.

Because the weather in Fulton varies a great deal, both lightweight and heavier clothing are recommended, in addition to rainy weather attire. While campus dress is casual, there will be occasions when students need dress attire. Sportswear is essential for various sports and recreational activities.

Students in college housing provide their own wastepaper baskets and desk lamps. Many students bring their own personal computers.

While window blinds are provided, students may bring curtains with adjustable rods if desired. Window measurements for rooms in our residence halls are:
Gage, Marquess, Rice, Scott, Sloss Halls (Quad): 72" width x 63" length
Sweazey, Weigle, Wetterau Halls (Triangle): 48" width x 60" length
Emerson Hall: 70" width x 51" length. 

All residence halls are air conditioned.

The College does not provide linens or linen rental services. Coin-operated laundry facilities and change machines are available in the residence halls. Virtually all student rooms will accommodate a 9' x 12' rug or carpeting.

Refrigerators and microwave ovens that do not exceed 120 volts are permitted in campus housing. Any heating or cooking units that have exposed heating coils are not permitted.

Sound Systems and Televisions

The use of sound systems and televisions is permitted in the college residence halls. However, their use may be denied if they are an annoyance to other residents. The use of other musical instruments within the residence halls, such as trumpets, drums and electrical guitars, is prohibited at all times. Students may practice their musical instruments in Champ Auditorium or in the Hunter Activity Center. 
  • Pets of any kind including fish and caged animals.
  • Nails or screws to hang items on walls
  • Candles
  • Fireworks
  • Weapons (including paintball, air rifle, or other guns and waterballoon launchers)
  • Open/exposed-coil cooking and heating units
  • Water Beds

Housing a pet within a college-owned residence is strictly forbidden. This rule applies to pets who are "visiting" or belong to another student. 
First Offense: Pet policy fee of $75
Second Offense: Eviction from campus housing