Requirements for Admission to LD Program
Ï㽶ÊÓƵ's small classes and low student-to-faculty ratios offer our students the best opportunity for active class participation as well as engaging discussions with their professors. Since students are mainstreamed throughout the rigorous curriculum of the college, however, it is imperative that they come to Westminster with a solid college preparatory background. Candidates for admission should have successfully completed four units of English, mathematics through Algebra II, three units of natural science, and three units of social science. A majority of electives should be in academic subjects.
The Learning Differences Program serves only students who have been professionally diagnosed with specific learning disabilities and/or attention deficits. Therefore, each applicant must submit the results of a psycho-educational evaluation documenting the nature and severity of his or her disability. This evaluation must be recent (completed within the last three years), and the report must include the following information:
- The results of a standardized individual intelligence test. Acceptable tests include the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III or IV, and an academic achievement test, Age-equivalent Full Scale, Verbal, and Performance IQ scores, subtest scores, and a written evaluation should be included in the report.
- The results of a standardized individual achievement test. Acceptable tests include the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery-Tests of Achievement (WJPEB-Part II) and the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (K-TEA). Age-equivalent standard scores in the areas of reading skills, reading comprehension, mathematics, and written language should be reported.
- The results of other educational assessments pertinent to the student's diagnosis or educational needs.
- The results of any additional formal or informal assessments of various areas of achievement are not essential, but can be helpful to program staff in determining how they might assist the student.
- The results of any assessments of behavior, when appropriate. If the applicant has been diagnosed with an attention deficit (ADD/ADHD), a full report of pertinent behavioral observations and the results of behavior rating scales must be included.
- A diagnostic statement. A brief statement documenting the existence and nature of the specific learning disability or attention deficit in accordance with applicable laws should accompany the report.
In most cases, the diagnostic evaluation or re-evaluation conducted by the applicant's school district or the specialist who initially diagnosed the student is sufficient for application purposes. For further information regarding evaluation requirements, please contact the Director of the Learning Differences Program.