Academic Enrichment Program

Elements of the Program

The Academic Enrichment Program (AEP), offered through the Learning Opportunity Center, is a two-semester program offered during the freshman year to give special attention during the first year in college to incoming freshmen whose preparation for college is, in certain respects, inadequate. Students are selected for the Reading and Study Skills Program on the basis of their high school records and Scholastic Aptitude Test or American College Test scores. Some students will not be admitted to Westminster unless they agree to participate in the program. A few students who are not required to participate may be invited to enter the program on a space-available basis.

All students enrolled in the program must take two special courses and will receive special advising and academic counseling. The program is comprised of the following elements:

Special Courses: Special Courses The program consist of special courses each semester that offers students opportunities to acquire reading and writing proficiency, and study strategies necessary to function in the college environment. The specific courses in which students will enroll are dependent on the students' placement scores. Each student involved with the AEP takes a placement test prior to their initial registration, and then based on these scores an enrichment path for the first year is laid out. Some of these courses are stand alone classes, while others are linked to general education requirements providing students the opportunity to apply ideas and strategies in the context of another course. The specific enrichment paths could include the following courses: Essentials of Reading (CLS 090 A), Essentials of Writing (CLS 090 B), College Reading (CLS 091 A), College Writing (CLS 091 B), and Supplemental Studies (CLS 101). In addition to these possibilities, all students will enroll in College Study Strategies in their initial semester.

In addition to class meetings, students enrolled in the program will also have the opportunity to receive individualized attention in one-on-one meetings with an academic mentor. Each student will be assigned an academic mentor prior to the start of the semester.

Advising: Staff members will function as a secondary academic advisor to the participants in the program. In this role, staff will assist students in selecting courses for their schedule, and teaching appropriate and effective study skills.

Counseling: Counseling is an integral part of the program as its importance lies in helping students evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, establishing personal goals and developing self-confidence in their academic endeavors.

All students participating in the Academic Enrichment Program are required to enroll in the appropriate courses dictated by their placement scores.

It should be noted that no more than two credit hours of 090 level courses count toward the minimum hours required for graduation. Therefore, some students in the Academic Enrichment Program may need to complete additional credit hours above the minimum required in order to graduate.