Clubs and Organizations

Let us help you find the club or organization that is right for you! See a list of clubs and organizations currently on campus which you could join. Read the club's mission, find out who the officers are, and learn where you can find them at their next meeting. If you have any questions, email Director of Student Engagement and Leadership Marina Turner at Marina.Turner@wcmo.edu

How to Start Your Own Club

Want to start something new? Please follow the instructions below to start your very own club or organization.
  1. Make sure the same organization doesn’t already exist by searching below
  2. If the organization does not already exist, download a club registration form here.
  3. Find four other students who interested in joining your club to sign up.
  4. Ask a faculty or staff member to serve as your advisor.
  5. Prepare a constitution, and submit this along with your completed form to the Student Life Fellow office. If you need assistance drafting a constitution, follow this helpful checklist. Constitution Checklist
  6. Present your organization at an SGA meeting to get final approval.  You need to notify the SGA Secretary that you will be attending a meeting so you are added to the agenda.  SGA will review your application and verify your status as a full-fledged student organization.
  7. Once your organization has been approved by SGA, you will complete the online registration process to add your club to the database in MyWC.  Once this process is complete, you may request funding from SGA to plan events and activities for your organization.

Clubs and Organizations

The purpose of the Active Minds chapter is to (1) increase awareness regarding the issues and symptoms of mental health and resources available on campus and in the community, (2) reduce stigma surrounding mental health disorders so to make the conversation about mental health and seeking help more comfortable, and (3) promote overall positive mental health and wellness. Active Minds is not to be a support group, as the members do not have any professional skills to aid mental health.

A student-run organizations that unite LGBTQ+ and allied youth to build community and organize around issues impacting them in their schools and communities, to serve as safe spaces for LGBTQ+ youth and have emerged as vehicles for deep social change related to racial, gender, and educational justice.

Our purpose is to give a group of people who have a passion for weightlifting the opportunity to hone skills and possibly compete in competition. And also give newcomers or people interested basic knowledge on the sport and strong fundamentals to start weightlifting.

The mission of is to encourage intellectual growth and educate undergraduates about the investment vehicles used to analyze the capital markets. The education will be based on creating, managing, and evaluating an investment portfolio through research, hands-on investing, and evaluation of individual investments within specified boundaries.

The purpose of the Blue Diamonds Dance Team is to provide a place for those who enjoy dance to get together and dance and perform in various styles.

This organization helps all campus clubs and organizations to plan events as well as keep good standing as a club on our campus. We strive to be a wealth of knowledge that campus organizations feel they can come to, in any time of need, to receive help in planning successful events. While being a resource to other clubs and organizations, we strive to lead by example through planning and implementing fun, interactive, all-encompassing, and educational campus events that empower our student body to fully invest in Ï㽶ÊÓƵ!

Cheer team.

We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all chess players are created equal; that they are endowed by Chess Royalty with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, the quest for chess wisdom, and the pursuit of epic victory. Our purpose is to provide a regular meeting time and place for novice and experienced players alike to learn, practice, and play chess.

The purpose of this club is to provide students with an opportunity to learn about Christianity as well as grow their faith through fellowship and study.  

The Ï㽶ÊÓƵ Education Association is a student-run organization that focuses on the growth of Education majors at Ï㽶ÊÓƵ. The group strives to promote the growth of our education majors as well as providing support for our future educators. As an organization, it is their mission to promote and instill the collaborative mentality teaching is centered around. It is also a goal to get future teachers involved, to include education minor and curriculum studies students who may have an interest in education or teaching within another major, and broadening what it means to “educate."

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is an organization for both athletes and nonathletes to explore faith. Through study, discussion, and community involvement, FCA strives to make a positive impact on the community, students, and student-athletes on and off the playing surface.

Promote awareness of current environmental issues and coordinates programs to address these issues on campus and in our community. The Green Jays is a student organization of environmentally concerned students. They work with the Student Office of Sustainability and EcoHouse to promote awareness of environmental issues and to coordinate campus programs to address these issues.

To maintain and improve the Westminster interest in History and to provide students with an interest in history a place to meet and talk. In addition, we aim to provide students interested in history with opportunities for personal and professional growth through field trips, conferences, guest speakers, and public events for the campus and wider community.

The purpose of this club is to provide the students and faculty with access to a pool of resources and skills to aide in the creation of digital media (i.e. videos, pictures, posters, movies, comics, audio etc.) for both recreational and academic uses.

The Math Club is established for the purpose of fostering a greater understanding of mathematics, encouraging undergraduate activity in math research and related mathematical experiences, and providing a social and intellectual forum to all students interested in experiencing math.

The purpose of this club is to provide the students and faculty with access to a pool of resources and skills to aide in the creation of digital media (i.e. videos, pictures, posters, movies, comics, audio etc.) for both recreational and academic uses.

Model United Nations introduces students to the fascinating world of international diplomacy! Read more: Model UN
Museum studies

Peer Health Educators are an organization of Westminster students focused on HEALTH “Helping Educate Ï㽶ÊÓƵ Life Through Health”. It is our mission to actively promote campus and community-wide leadership on healthy and safe lifestyle decisions.

Performing Arts are a part of everything in our lives. Netflix involves acting, music involves singing and instrumental music, and some of our favorite competition shows involve dancing. The invites everyone who enjoys these and all other performing arts to come explore and celebrate all arts as they look to share them with the campus. The group mainly explores the arts found in the realm of theater, but welcome and look forward to discussing all art forms.

It is the mission of the to unite, inform, and encourage students of Ï㽶ÊÓƵ with interests in advancing their education in the medical sector. The purpose of Pre Healthcare Professionals is to work cooperatively to prepare and inform students of admittance requirements to graduate and medical programs, to open networking channels between current and past Westminster students, physicians, and practices, to present speakers from a variety of medical related disciplines to explain their path to success, and to provide opportunities to visit graduate schools within the area.

It is the mission of the Remley Women's Advocates of Ï㽶ÊÓƵ to educate the campus on gender issues, with particular emphasis on women, by providing space, programming, and vital resources to all members of the Westminster community. Moreover, the Remley Women’s Advocates will provide support services and information for members of the campus community affected by gender-based inequalities, intolerance, and sexual assault and violence.

Our organization's purposes are to expand the education of the Geosciences, promote opportunities to explore those interests, and to give all students the opportunity to experience nature in a new way.

To promote and celebrate the culture and traditions of Spanish-speaking countries. To assist students at Ï㽶ÊÓƵ in the learning of the Spanish language. To host activities that help students learn more about the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. Educate Westminster students on accurate information of the history, culture, people, and issues that relate to the Spanish-speaking countries and communities. To help broaden and bring more diversity to Westminster Students world views.

Each year, a select group of students are chosen to represent Westminster as Student Ambassadors. The group’s mission is to build and maintain connections between alumni, other constituents, and the Westminster community.

At Westminster, Student Foundation is a student-based organization that helps introduce prospective students to Westminster by giving tours, answering questions, and giving a first-hand, real-life look at the College.

We, the student government of Ï㽶ÊÓƵ, vested with the power of the student body and the Board of Trustees, hereby establish this Constitution to foster a spirit of unity among all members of the Westminster Community. We will facilitate and encourage student activities in order to better the general welfare of the Student Body. We will provide opportunities for the exercise of student leadership and responsibility in a working, democratic organization.  As a bridge between faculty, staff, and students, we will promote transparency using multiple avenues of communication. We further pledge ourselves to maintain and support the highest standards of student life. We will do so without regard to sex, age, race, creed, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, political affiliation, or disability.

We, the student government of Ï㽶ÊÓƵ, vested with the power of the student body and the Board of Trustees, hereby establish this Constitution to foster a spirit of unity among all members of the Westminster Community. We will facilitate and encourage student activities in order to better the general welfare of the Student Body. We will provide opportunities for the exercise of student leadership and responsibility in a working, democratic organization.  As a bridge between faculty, staff, and students, we will promote transparency using multiple avenues of communication. We further pledge ourselves to maintain and support the highest standards of student life. We will do so without regard to sex, age, race, creed, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, political affiliation, or disability.

Our organizational purposes are to provide Westminster’s students, faculty, and staff with a resource for mental health care; to serve the surrounding community; and to help animals in need.

Our pillars are to defend social justice, equality, and minority rights, both Campus and Nation-wide.  We support the Democratic party and their stated platform.  We are a member of both the College Democrats of America and College Democrats of Missouri.

As members of the Interfraternity Council (IFC), we are proud to represent the rich traditions and history of Westminster’s fraternity community. We look forward to working with our fraternity brothers and the Westminster community over the course of this year and in the future.

Maintain and improve the Westminster Veterans Memorial and Museum (WVMM). We aim to develop the WVMM museum displays and the adjacent Veterans Plaza in ways which continue to honor Westminster’s military past and present. In addition, we aim to provide students interested in museums with opportunities for personal and professional growth through field trips, conferences, guest speakers, and public events for the campus and wider community.

As Panhellenic sorority members, we continually strive to uphold our values of service, scholarship, leadership, integrity, and sisterhood in all that we do. The members of the Panhellenic Association work to unite our sorority members at Westminster in order to enhance their college experience. We hope that PHA can make your college experience unique and exciting, too!

Ï㽶ÊÓƵ Young Americans for Freedom is a club for discussing conservative values and current events. The group also plans events such as speaking panels, debates, lectures, and campus-wide meetings focused on conservative values.

* Indicates an organization with a formal application process

Campus Publications

A literary magazine

Student Boards

A group of students who represent the College at various events and serve as liaisons between alumni and campus
Prestigious group dedicated to upholding the College's long-standing traditions

Fraternity and Sorority Life Governance Councils

Governing body of the six national fraternities represented on campus
Governing body of the three national sororities represented on campus