Study Abroad Testimonials
Elena Thomas-Dietz Class of 2022

Majors: Psychology
University of Winchester – England (Spring 2021 – Fall 2021)
"My time abroad in Winchester was absolutely amazing. From the classes I took to the hikes and places I traveled I truly had a once in a lifetime experience. I met so many amazing people and made lifelong friendships along the way. Almost everyday there were opportunities to push me outside my comfort zone so that I could grow and learn something new. Studying abroad is something that I would recommend to anyone even if the idea scares them. There are so many people to help you along the way and by the end of the experience you'll gain confidence you never knew was possible." - Elena
Estefania Proano Class of 2020

Major: Political Science
Semester at Sea: Winter Voyage 2018 - USA, Japan, China, Vietnam, Myanmar, India, Mauritius, South Africa, Ghana, Morocco
"My study abroad experience with Semester at Sea was truly one of the best experiences of my life. During my four months abroad, I was able to visit countries I would have never imagined to go to, but most importantly, I had the opportunity to connect with and learn from different peoples and cultures. Traveling the world is an eye-opening experience, and doing it with Semester at Sea makes it a completely unique one." - Estefy
Maryanne Korte Class of 2020

Hometown: Steelville, MO
Major: Political Science
Major: Political Science
University College of London - England (Fall 2017 - Spring 2018)
"Leaving the U.S. behind and living in London for a year gave me what no book, lecture, or movie could do. I was given a rebirth into a world where I could purely be myself, building lasting connections, and experience the world as I never had before. I know it sounds cliche, but even just one day studying abroad would have changed my life forever. If every person in the world had the same opportunity to live abroad, we could end wars and diminish hate, spread love and better educate." - Maryanne
Emily Nordsieck Class of 2019

Majors: Business Administration Minors: Mathematical Science
Ulster University Jordanstown Campus (Fall of 2018)
“The ability to study abroad was one of the main reasons I chose Westminster, and the Irish American Scholars Program made it so easy for me to do so. It was perfect because you still pay tuition for Westminster (and if you have scholarships you can still use them) and then you pay living expenses wherever you go. The program will place you in a qualifying school in Northern Ireland that is right for you. They even take into consideration your major and the classes you need to take automatically when you apply. I probably remember my four months abroad more vividly than any other part of my life. I am so grateful that Westminster gave me the opportunity to make such amazing friends and see such beautiful places. After all, how often in life will I get the opportunity to spend four months in Europe?” - Emily
Kyle Kroll Class of 2019

Majors: Business Administration
Bond University - Australia (Spring 2017)
"Through my study abroad trip to Australia, I was able ot travel most of the eastern coastline of the country, seeing most of what Australia is really known for. I also got the opportunity to visit Langkawi and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I did a lot of hiking, sight seeing, and eating in these amazing places! The place I went and people I met made these memories unforgettable. Studying abroad to Australia through Ï㽶ÊÓƵ was hands down the most beneficial experience I have had to this day." - Kyle