First Year Resources

Westminster students start charting a path to achieving their academic and professional goals in their first year. Learn more about Westminster’s General Education Program courses, engage in major exploration, and look into internship opportunities with the help of these resources.

Breakthrough General Education Program: See all of the courses that fit in the Breakthrough curriculum.

Transfer Credit Information: Access the TES database to see how courses you have completed at other colleges will transfer to Westminster.

Program Directors & Department Chairs: Want to learn about a major or academic program? Ready to declare your major? Here are the program directors and department chairs who can help you with this process.

Academic Catalog: Use the catalog to answer all of your questions about academic programs, courses, policies, and procedures.

Academic Advising: Learn more about how academic advisors can support you as you plan to pursue your academic and professional goals.

Major & Minor Worksheets (Located on the Individual Program pages): Learn about the courses that make up your preferred major or minor fields.

Major Field Four Year Plans (Coming Soon): Use these helpful guides to see how you can complete your major and General Education courses in four years.

4 Year Success Plan: Start taking steps toward career success in your first year with this career development planning guide.

Internship Information for Students: It’s never too early to start planning an internship- learn more about the process here.