Military FAQs

*FAQ by Veterans Receiving Educational Benefits

The Registrar is the Veterans Certifying Official at Ï㽶ÊÓƵ. The Registrar's Office is in the Academic Affairs suite on the first floor of Westminster Hall . Call (573) 592-5213.
No, the Veterans Certifying Official is only responsible for submitting your enrollment certification and to determine that you are attending class on a regular basis. You should contact the V.A. Administration at 1-888-GIBILL®-1 (1-888-442-4551) or  to inquire about eligibility or benefits.
In order for your enrollment to be certified to receive veteran educational benefits, you must provide your Certificate of Eligibility to the Veterans Certifying Official. If you are receiving benefits as a dependent of a veteran, you will also need to provide the Veteran's Social Security Number and V.A. File Number.
No, you will automatically be certified each semester unless you notify the Veterans Certification Official that you do not want to receive benefits or you want to delay your benefits.
It normally takes 4-6 weeks from the first week of classes to receive benefits if you have been certified in previous semesters. If you are new to the V.A. Educational Certification System or your certification has to be processed manually, it may take up to 8 weeks for first-time processing.
You should first contact the Veterans Certifying Official at Westminster to make certain that your enrollment has been certified. If your enrollment has been certified, you will then need to contact the V.A. Educational Office. The V.A. contact information is 1-888-GIBILL®-1 (1-888-442-4551). Be advised this line only accepts calls from 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM central time Monday - Friday and you may experience long hold times. You may also access the V.A. website at  for additional contact information. Another helpful website including Student Handouts, Brochures, and Regulations is 
Yes, you must attend classes on a regular basis in order to receive benefits. Your instructors will be notified to contact the Veterans Certifying Official if you have excessive absences or you are not making satisfactory progress. Lack of attendance or satisfactory progress may result in a loss of your benefits. You may also be instructed by the V.A. to verify your attendance with W.A.V.E. (Web Automated Verification of Enrollment). Those receiving the Post-9/11 GI Bill® do not have to verify their attendance through WAVE.
No, the following courses are not eligible for veteran educational certification:

  • A course that is repeated only to raise the GPA. Courses that must be repeated to improve the grade required for major or general education requirements may be repeated but courses repeated only to raise the cumulative GPA are not eligible.
  • Remedial courses are not eligible unless they count for graduation.
  • Courses completed that are not required for total cumulative hours, general education, or major certification are not eligible. Hours completed in excess of graduation requirements (for example: hours for additional teacher certification, hours for CPA exam, etc.) are not eligible.
If you enroll in a non-traditional course (independent study, internship, on-line course, etc.), please contact the Veteran Certifying Official to confirm eligibility.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at .