American Studies Minor
The American Studies minor allows you to integrate your coursework in several departments. The minor is highly interdisciplinary.
Other Experiences: This minor offers you the flexibility to tailor coursework to your professional goals.
Career Opportunities: Students who have completed this minor have found employment in education, business, and law. The minor is also seen as a stepping-stone for graduate education in these fields.
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U.S. History Minor
- The United States History minor focuses on the American experience. You will have a more profound understanding of your own culture.
- This minor is particularly helpful for students in Education. It is also useful background for law school and other post-graduate programs.
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European Studies Minor
The European Studies minor focuses on contemporary European issues and culture. Interdisciplinary in nature, the minor will prepare you for working in a transnational and global environment. This minor is a good supplement to some of our business related majors. European Studies provides you with training in cultural diversity and global competency - something many employers value highly.
The minor strongly encourages students to study abroad.
Career Opportunities: European Studies can help you get into graduate school in a number of related areas. It is also useful for work in international settings whether you are in business or government.
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European History Minor
The European History minor focuses on understanding Europe as a region. This minor will prepare you for working in a transnational and global environment. It is a good supplement to some of our business related majors. The European History minor provides you with training in cultural diversity and global competency - something many employers value highly.
Career Opportunities: European Studies can help you get into graduate school in a number of related areas. It is also useful for work in international settings whether you are in business or government. Students intending to make their career in Education will also find this minor helpful.
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