Recycling in Fulton


Recycling in Fulton is done through , Callaway County's local recycling plant. To make recycling easier, students can place any recyclable material in any recycling bin located around campus. There is no need to sort between plastic and paper. It all goes to the same place.

The most common recyclable materials include plastic, aluminum, and paper.
All recycling must be cleaned of food materials. Unfortunately this means pizza boxes are not recyclable, because grease soaks into the cardboard.

Residential houses enjoy the benefit of using curbside recycling. Students can store recycling in clear plastic bags, available at Plant Ops. Recycling is picked up on Friday. Large recycling receptacles are located at Plant Operations and the Walmart parking garage.

Blue recycling bins can be found around Campus buildings and near the Quad dorms.

We Can Recycle

We Cannot Recycle

  • Cardboard - Including: brown paper bags, cereal boxes, manila envelopes, and construction paper
  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Mixed Paper - Including: white office paper, colored office paper, junk mail, books
  • Aluminum Cans
  • Tin or Steel Cans
  • Scrap Metals - Including: aluminum, copper, brass, iron and steel
  • Plastics (#1 and 2)
  • Clothing & Fabrics - Must be clean
  • Electronics
  • Computers, monitors, small-medium size televisions, radios, tape players, stereos, VCR's and CD players (through special recycling drives held periodically)
  • Plastic Bags and Films
  • Glass (except in designated bins)
  • Motor Oil Containers
  • Butter containers, waste baskets, clothes hampers and toys
  • Window glass, mirrors, Pyrex, vases and ashtrays
  • Paper towels and tissue
  • Ceramics
  • Dishes, clay flower pots and brick
  • Household Goods
  • Appliances, large cabinet televisions, upholstered furniture, wood furniture, beds, mattresses and carpet
  • Household Waste, soiled diapers
  • Food waste