Industry Partner Information
Benefits of an Internship
- Test and apply academic theory in a work setting
- Develop skills and expand knowledge in a specific field
- Clarify career goals
- Opportunity to work and learn from professionals; networking
- Smooth transition from the classroom to the world of work
- Sense of accomplishment by contributing to an organization
Areas in which interns could be of assistance:
- Research assistant
- Project coordinator
- Marketing/PR/Communication interns
- Technical interns
- Event management interns
- Statistics interns
- Resource management interns
- Teaching assistants
- Environmental assessment
- Much more!
How to Hire a Westminster Intern
- If you have questions about how to create an internship, how to turn a face-to-face internship into a virtual internship, or would like ideas for how to utilize an intern, contact the Internship Coordinator at
Host Site Resources
Let's Get Started
The Westminster Internship Program is designed to extend student learning opportunities beyond the traditional classroom setting into professional work environments.
Pre-Health Professions Internship or Job Shadowing Opportunity Form
Starting an Internship Program Booklet
Hiring Tips
Information on hiring international students as interns or employees.
(for-profit entities)
I Have an Intern. Now What?
Industry partner internship agreement
Sample orientation checklist for new interns
What's my role as the Site Supervisor?
Change to Industry Partner Guide (brief overview)
Industry Partner Toolkit (comprehensive)
Internship Site Visit Information